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Technology Course Descriptions

A listing of the courses offered with Sandra Gaiser as the instructor. All courses have been designed by her and most of the textbooks and supplementary material is written by her as well.


Classes For kids

Robot Programming

Classes For TEENS & advanced Middle Schoolers

Summer Classes

Summer ONLY Class Offerings

Microsoft office 2016 for kids
Microsoft Office Workshop for Kids (summer only)


Suggested Age: 7-13


Students have fun creating a different project each week using the Microsoft Office suite of applications:

  • Word

  • Excel

  • PowerPoint

  • Publisher

They will make a friendly letter, a greeting card, a PowerPoint Presentation and more! Laptop computers provided or bring your own!


Curriculum / Materials:


Keyboarding (short summer course)


Suggested Age: 7-19


Student have fun learning to type correctly on a computer keyboard. With incentives like games, prizes, and competitions, you child will be excited to type faster than ever! There will be homework, as Keyboarding is more like a sport where one trains muscles to respond automatically. Laptop computers provided or bring your own!


Homework: 10-20 minutes of typing 4 days a week


Certificate of Completion awarded for keyboarding course


Curriculum / Materials:

Web Design for Kids Using HTML5 (summer only)


Suggested Age: 10-14


Prerequisite: Computer Apps for Kids OR instructor approval


Kids will:

  • Learn what web design is

  • Learn to write HTML5 code to make their own websites

  • Learn to use code generators and how to use templates to built sites

  • Be having fun!

  • Homework: 10-20 minutes of typing 4 days a week


Curriculum / Materials:

scratch programming version 3.jpg
Game Programming for Kids (summer only)


Suggested Age: 9-12


Prerequisite: Computer Apps for Kids OR instructor approval


Kids will:

  • learn basic computer programming & logic skills

  • while having fun

  • creating their own computer games


Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge. Kids will also be able to share their game with others online, too.


Curriculum / Materials:

intro ms office teens
logical operatons new book coveredited.p
Intro to Microsoft Office for Teens (SUMMER ONLY)


Suggested Age: 14-19

Prerequisite: Microsoft Office for Kids or equivalent experience


Learn the basics of Microsoft Office Suite using Microsoft certification track manuals:

  • Word

  • PowerPoint

  • Excel


Fulfills 1/2 credit state requirement for Technology applications


Curriculum / Materials:

SumWebTeens HTML
learning web design 5th ed.jpg
Web Programming & Design for Teens (SUMMER ONLY)


Suggested Age: 15-19

Prerequisite: Microsoft Office for Teens or equivalent experience


Your student will:

  • Learn beginning to intermediate web design

  • Understand website layout

  • Write HTML5 & CSS3

  • Fulfill 1/2 credit state requirement for Technology Applications

  • Have a fully functional website (online with approval) at the end of the course

  • Earn a Certificate of Completion for Web Design

  • Do 2-3 hours of homework per week

Curriculum / Materials:


Parent Classes

Classes For parents Only

logical operatons new book coveredited.p
Intro to Microsoft Office for Parents


Suggested Age: 20+

Prerequisite: none


Learn the basics of Microsoft Office Suite using Microsoft certification track manuals:

  • Word

  • PowerPoint

  • Excel

  • Access

  • OneNote


Learn what your kids should know! This stuff is CORE: How do you write? On a computer. How do you calculate? On a computer. How do you present? On a computer. 


Curriculum / Materials:

logical operatons new book coveredited.p
Intro to Microsoft Office for Parents (SUMMER ONLY)


Suggested Age: 20+

Prerequisite: none


Learn the basics of Microsoft Office Suite using Microsoft certification track manuals:

  • Word

  • PowerPoint

  • Excel


Learn what your kids should know! This stuff is CORE: How do you write? On a computer. How do you calculate? On a computer. How do you present? On a computer. 


Curriculum / Materials:

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